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Three principles unite the five male voices of Musique à bouches: friendship, fraternity, and complicity.

Musique à bouches is a vocal ensemble composed of David Bélanger, Olivier Brousseau, Jérôme Fortin, Sylvain Trudel and Michel Grandmaison who also brings his personal twist on foot-tapping (podorythmie).

Humming with a cappella rhythms of traditional musical arrangements, this french canadian vocal quintet is the fruit of years of careful improvements, evolution, and brotherhood. Inspired by the great pioneers of folk, the members of MAB take it upon themselves to dust-off and update the musical repertoire to breathe new life into the places, people, and stories that have so shaped our imaginations.

Always with the intent to preserve traditional folk songs in the collective memory, Musique à bouches has recorded four albums: En spectacle (2009), Jusqu’aux oreilles (2014), L’habit de plumes (2019) and Il est grand temps (2022).

In 2016, they were named «Vocal Group of the Year» at the Canadian Folk Music Awards, and their second album was nominated for «Folk Album of the Year» by the ADISQ.

Musique à bouches has performed hundreds of shows across many different venues including in Quebec, the United States, and France. No matter where they go, no one is immune to their charm. This a cappella quintet sets itself apart not only with melodious voices and the raw power of their harmonies, but also the camaraderie and humour they share on stage.


Sylvain Trudel

Sylvain is a multidisciplinary artist; over the years, he has been fortunate and crafty enough to transform many of his interests into professional opportunities. A true adept of the written word and world languages, Sylvain is a writer, translator, and teacher. During his many years as a radio host, amateur actor, and master of ceremonies, he discovered his own vibrant vocal characteristics and became a professional narrator. Since 2003, he has juggled his many careers, but maintains a special love for another of his great passions: professional musical fireworks.

Sylvain is a founding member of Musique à bouches. Since the group’s inception in 2005, he and his four vocal accomplices share in the pleasure of vocal harmonies and the preservation of the oral tradition.

Olivier Brousseau

Olivier Brousseau is a singer-songwriter from Estrie who has been walking the path of the professional musician since 1999. He is credited with five albums: Goûter au ciel (1999), Chemin Sansoucis (2002), J’ai mon voyage! (2005), Les bottines ben attachées (2009) et La ligne du temps (2015). His latest was nominated for “Roots Album” of the year at GAMIQ in 2015, and his song “La ligne du temps” was nominated for Song of the Year by SOCAN at the 2016 Gala Country. Outside his work with Musique à bouches, Olivier is a member of the folk duo Pièce sur Pièce, the groups Marchands de MémoireLe Trio des Cantons and Le Bal à l’huile. Throughout his career, this artist of the Townships has put on more than 400 shows across Quebec, in addition to touring in Peru as well as several tours in France.

Michel Grandmaison

An audiophile from a very young age, Michel has always afforded music a special place in his life. The piano was his first instrument, followed by bass alongside a quick mastery of singing. With his keen ear for music, Michel has sung in Bal à l’huile, the Cousins germains, and is a member of the Du rhum et une femme quintet.

Nowadays he is part of Musique à bouches, with whom he has already sung at the Festival Mémoire et Racines twice. Beyond harmonizing with his 4 companions, this talented singer is the a capella group’s podorhythmic heart. A versatile musician whose optimism is often contagious, Michel has also worked as a high school teacher for 20 years.

Jérôme Fortin

Jérôme Fortin, a singer-songwriter from the Sherbrooke region, is a self-taught musician credited with three albums:  Les Berceuses Enchantées (a 2012 solo album), Vers l’horizon (2007), and Tout baigne… (2011) with Galarno. He also works part-time as a psychoeducator in mental health. His experience as a guitarist and singer comes from, among other things, his numerous shows as part of the groups Trio des Cantons and Marchands de Mémoire. Over the years he has wandered many of Quebec’s roads with his various musical compatriots, as well as performed on a few tours in France.

David Bélanger

Twenty years ago, David founded Productions Sacapus with the goal of supporting various musical projects in Estrie (production, launches, shows, and tours). Today, his energy is mainly focused on Musique à bouches.

Performing solo from time to time, he is not shy to trade his guitar for his camera.  Alongside his many artistic commitments, David continues to be employed as a social worker in a community setting.

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